Category Archives: cancer

Recap of Apr/May 2012 week

Sorry, horrible title. I’m not quite imaginative–just yet. This week was a lot of hurry up and wait moments. Blood transfusion happened on Thursday. Chemotherapy on Friday. Living a normal life on Saturday. 3 days of jam-packed, fun-filled, adrenaline rush and hey! can we have anymore adjectives added here!!! (Phew, found the funny bone though.)  Perhaps my thoughts of a cancer patient being completely bed-ridden for days on end is at odds.  But I must say, the body does let you know when rest is a must and the sudden “breakthrough pains” are no fun either. I am taking my pills like a good girl should, though I look forward to the days where there’s less of them. It’s a regiment I do not like doing.

Anyways, a funny thing happened on the way of hair loss. I was shedding beyond the pets in the house. That was up to Wednesday. Shed no more I am come Thursday morning. Video to be posted soon.

Well, time to stuff my face with some protein since that’s been my biggest challenge. Actually, eating in general has been a challenge. Worse than being pregnant. And I unfortunately still crave sushi (a big no no for me right now). Even though I have carte blanche in eating whatever, I find my self eating like Tweety Bird. If you have a suggestion, please, let me know. I haven’t tried too many shakes, so, that’s my fault. 😛

Thank You’s and Acknowledgements

I haven’t publicly said this and I should now. Acknowledgement to those who have been detrimental in my onset of a roller coaster ride:

  • My dear husband – Overnight, he became a fulltime stay-at-home Dad and a fulltime employee at the same time. Talk about a horrible promotion. Without him, I would be that bed-ridden cancer patient who believes nothing. You are my everything.
  • My children – They are unfortunately having to grow up a little bit faster without my help. The sibling bond has never been stronger. Without them, my life would be empty of their craziness and laughter.
  • My best friend – She has been unconditional with herself the first day we met (and it was not pleasant, mind you). Wiser beyond her age. Without her, I would never have understood what Family really is.
  • My sister-in-law – I have a sister! How rocking is that? It’s my dream come true. Without her, well, without her is just not cool. 🙂
  • My mom – Well, she’s mom. She rescues her children. And I’m grateful.
  • My brothers – Thank you for being there for me when I was rarely there for you.
  • My Y mommas – You accepted me for who I am and always there when I needed to vent my nonsense. Without you ladies, I would already be on the 5 o’clock news!
  • My husband’s office mates & manager – Thank you for making our lives easier with awesome meals! It beats the standby chicken nuggets. 😀 We can’t thank you enough for your generosity and unconditional support.
  • My nurse advocate – I’m thankful I didn’t turn down this great resource. Thank you for giving me the confidence in this journey.
  • You all – There are a lot of you and I want to thank you for your out pour of prayers, support and hooking us up with yummy meals and desserts, and taking care of our kids when we were on our many medical visits.

🙂 Thank You! 🙂

[Lack of] Preparing for Chemo #2

Since this whole thing started, I can hardly remember a day where I felt normal. This week seems to be an even bigger blur than last. Keeping up with eating, hydrating, rest and doing all the normal stuff is even harder than just keeping up with the normal stuff.  The end of this week is when chemo starts up again. Is my body ready for it? Probably not. Mentally ready? I can hardly wait.

Presumably, my blood transfusion should occur before chemo. But with most things in my life, I have little obstacles. You see, I have special blood. They call it antibodies. I have enough to make it a bit more difficult to find; not too hard, just takes a bit more time. While waiting for this, we can see the difference in the way I think (which becomes lacking) and the things I do (more like, I don’t do). Writing this entry is hard. Grammar and logic guides me little and I may ramble on like a grumpy old folk. Not having a full tank of blood can become fascinating.

Hopefully, I get to be topped off today and not wait any longer. I’d like to spend the next couple of days like a functioning citizen, crack a few jokes and jam all the protein I can before the next battle.  Oh, and this hair shedding business…no joke from the doctor when he said, “On Day 16, you [start to] lose your hair.”

I want my blood soon.

Rockin’ a New Course

Dear Family, Friends, and those I know through various social media outlets,

Today, I am able to announce something profound that recently transpired in my life.  Some of you are wondering about my recent hospital stays and being MIA.  Through a biopsy, it was revealed I have non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and the cancer has moved into my bones.  The prognosis is good and the cancer is being treated as curable.  My chemotherapy has started and initial results have come back stable.  (Still Rockin’!)

With this new course in my life, it has given me an opportunity that can’t be missed!  It is an endeavor I hope you can join me in.  With any of these types of therapies, medical hair loss is one of the most well known side effects.  Before I lose mine, I will be donating the remainder of my hair to Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths. Oddly enough, I have donated my hair to them several times in the past, well before my diagnosis.

If you’re willing and able, I am asking all of you to share this campaign with your family, friends and anyone who wants to make a commitment in donating their hair. Listed below are a few organizations:

Your donation today will help people enjoy their lives as close to normal as possible. (Who would ever want a bad hair day?)  It is also my goal with this campaign to make it a long-term commitment.  If you would like to know more about it, please email [register at puckslighthouse dot com] to be up to date on news and launch of our beta program.

Additionally, some of you have asked if there are other ways of offering help in this campaign.  During my hospital visits, I was given several blood transfusions to help stabilize my condition and indeed save my life.  If hair is what you’re lacking, your blood donation is Godsend to those in need.

Whatever your donation—hair or blood—I would love to hear about it [solidarity at puckslighthouse dot com] and acknowledge it through my website.  Who knows, you may even be a lucky recipient of an award (Shortbread cookies, anyone?).

Today, I am asking you to make a commitment with me in offering a little bit of you to help a lot for everyone.  Your commitment is my strength through this battle.  Thank you.