You can pretty much put whatever word or emotion you’d like in the bracket. For me, it is the day–one year ago–I had succumb to non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I plugged away as far as my body could take and finally, it had enough. “Running on fumes,” was one of the things I use to say. I didn’t think literally.
However, today is Easter, 2013. No longer in the hospital or gasping for each breath, it feels good. I still push myself; having just finished round #3 (yes, I haven’t even had a chance to talk about the first two), this time around, I won’t let the nausea nor pain put me in a Cullen state–yes, Twilight Cullen.
This is my mini-marathon. The last leg is the hardest. Fortunately, as a former sprinter, I’m still a quick study. More specifically, my finish line is an autologous stem cell transplant. Let me tell you, I am frighten. I get cabin fever, quick. Fear of the transplant itself? The needles, the never ending bags of chemo, hydration. But really, I’ll get over it. 🙂 I know I’ll manage.
Lastly, my heart and soul goes out to those who are desperately seeking a donor–a Match. If all who read this can do one thing for me, please share this. A Match is what I seek for Emily Sun, for Kevin Weston and the many others. Thank you.